Abu Hasan al Ashari, the father of modern Islamic theology, whose logic has held over a millennium, began as a Mu’tazilite. Despite his reverence for scholarship and tradition, he confronted his teachers in order to arrive at Truth. He probed his teacher al Jubbai’s theological positions by inquiring about the fate of 3 brothers: one...
Get inspired by an informal and interactive online discussion Click the link below to view the recording of our chat: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/GS4yP6AiUtXo1fhNxEuIP2z32oSuHaua_2GnCASSpWkSXuesFcZTjwzy_j-G0UQg.YxeIzhF2BSNZsFJh Passcode: BHwz9?7E The Diwan Foundation hosted a successful career webinar with three Cornell Alumni physicians as panelists: Drs. Faisal Siddiqui, Nadia Merchant, and Jasmin Sahbaz. The panelist shared with students their unique journeys, the...